In New England, as drivers we face elements that put a significant strain on our vehicles. Check out our list for priority items to have checked on your Audi or Volkswagen as we get into the winter season.
Snow Tires
Depending on your current tires, and vehicle, snow tires may be a worthwhile investment. Especially if your Audi or VW has sport or summer tires, snow tires are a great way to feel much more confident when driving in the winter elements. There are a few models of tires that we highly recommend. Call us today to see which ones are best for for your vehicle.
Windshield Wipers
Having the right windshield wipers can turn a un-driveable blizzard into a quick jaunt home in a storm. Most Audi and Volkswagen vehicles use factory specific wiper blades. This means that your local parts store may not have them in stock. We stock all factory wiper blades at below dealer pricing. We will install new wipers on your next visit for FREE!
Fluids (oil change, wiper fluid, power steering, etc)
This one is often more overlooked than the others. Low wiper fluid can be frustrating and dangerous. And while most contain an anti-freezing chemical, a low reservoir can freeze in the winter, potentially damaging components. It is a good idea to have a vehicle’s fluids checked before a big storm, or very low temperatures. And recently, we’ve started to offer BG Oil/Fuel Services. This well-known brand makes a great line of products to keep your Audi / VW running strong for years to come.
Brakes, Rotors, Calipers
While it’s not usually a good idea to hit the brakes too hard in the snow, we do recommend getting these checked before driving in more severe winter conditions. With stopping power already diminished due to the slick roads, it’s important to know the health of your brakes and related components. Old brake fluid can freeze during the winter months. Brake fluid is recommended to be serviced every two years.
Emergency Kit
Salt, First Aid Kit, Shovel, Brush, Flares, Charger, Blankets
You never know what you’ll need if you end up on the side of the road. Some Reflex Tuning customers come all the way from Vermont, Maine, and Northern NH – all areas that usually get significantly more snow and lower temperatures than Southern NH. Being prepared can turn a bad situation, into one that can be managed much more easily. Whether it’s a vehicle stuck on snow, or a dead battery in a blizzard, the right emergency kit will have you ready for whatever nature brings this winter!